Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Shi-Tzu Grooming

From the time I got Jasmine i can't help but search images of this breed online.  Dog wise, they are the most elegant and fashionable looking breeds in the dog world. Their fur can stretch from their bellies down to the floor. Unfortunately, i have not seen a single soul of this said breed here in Thailand having long fur. Most of them have been groomed with almost no fur at all. There was one whom i thought was sick and i never recognized the breed hehe.

Kidding aside Jasmine's nails were trimmed so as the fur that covers her eyes and nose. I guess at some point she was happy with the grooming thingy because her eyes are visible. Her most probable problem i think was the treatment at the shop. For us she is being pampered like a baby - for them she is just a ordinary dog that needs to be groomed. 

Seeing her transformed from a normal dog without eyes to a fashionable dog with tantalizing eyes lol, we decided that Jasmine will be visiting the shop once a week to have her groom and to avoid her fur to mat. I am sure you all will agree upon seeing her photos now! Such a cutie puppy!


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